Graphic Assault System for C128 and C64 Keyboard function chart from help screens GAS128.CBM GAS64.CBM FUNCTION ========== ========== ============================================ L L LOAD Koala format L L LOAD 8K bitmap S S SAVE Koala S S SAVE 8K bitmap D D LOAD Doodle D D SAVE Doodle Z Z LOAD Old Gas compressed form Z Z SAVE Old Gas compressed form A A AUTO LOAD file format H A Horizontal Compress H H HIRES H-Compress V V Vertical Compress V HIRES V-Compress Clear Screen O O toggle border action M M Magnify top left corner muticolor mode M M Magnify top left corner bitmap mode CURSOR Keys CURSOR Keys Picture Shifts of four colors bitmaps cursor Large Shifts of four colors bitmaps < <-- > Large shift left Large shift up C C Convert standard to multicolor C C create stand alones F F Flip image R R ROTATE multicolor bitmap R R ROTATE standard bitmap T T TURN 4 color image 90 degree T T TURN standard image 2 Two Picture options 4 4 4 Color options 8 or 9 8 or 9 Device Number - default 8 B B 4 Color Bit Shift B B Individualized 4 Color Bit Shift > > Reflect top of picture < < followed by R or R Reflect left side of picture Help screen I I INVERT the bits (XOR) P P LOAD Sprite to graphic screen P P SAVE Sprite @ DOS utility $ Directory list toggle Standard/Multicolor EXIT to BASIC